Canklow Woods Primary School

Canklow Woods Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Wood Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 2XJ

01709 828405

Class 1 2024-2025

Hello and welcome to Class 1.

This year the year 1 team is Miss Beecher, class teacher who is joined by Mrs Sheppard and Miss .   




This is on a Tuesday afternoon.  PE kit is black shorts and white t shirt.  

Forest School

Our class will have forest school this half term.  It will be muddy and messy and the children will learn and love every minute of it.  Can you please make sure they have wellies and a change of clothing as it is almost certain they will get dirty.



We are Reading...

Rabbit and Bear as our class book.  This is a story of a bear and a rather stubborn and grumpy Rabbit who become great friends.  

Welcome to Autumn Term Class 1!

Welcome back to our new school year in class 1.  Children will make many changes this year, they will become more independent and motivated to learn so many more new things.  There will be less continuous provision and more learning around tables and in groups and whole class.  Children will have chance to explore different subjects and with different expectations of their learning. 

Autumn Curriculum

Our maths lessons will build skills in place value, starting with numbers to 10 and then   addition and subtraction when we have masters this.   In writing, as always  we have some amazing texts to work with to stimulate and motivate our writing of sentences, using nouns, adjectives, and certain punctuations, such as The Colour Monster, Grandad's Island, Excitable Edgar and poetry about Bonfire Night and writing instructions on How to make a Jam sandwich.  

This term,  our Science learning is about everyday materials.  We will study and learn about different materials that we use for making particular objects, their properties and those particular materials are chosen, they will investigate too which materials they think are the best for a given purpose.. 

In History we are going to be learning about Items from the past. Within this we will consider their past and the past of others, we will look at different toys from the past and the present day and how they are the same or different and why.  PE lessons will focus on bass skills, throwing and catching with accuracy and skill.  In PSHE our learning is about themselves and their relationships, thinking about expectations of their attitude and behaviour starting a new year, their friendships and special people in their lives.

Our computing lessons are learning about the technology around us- ensuring children understand the nature of technology that we use in our lives and how it helps us.  In art we will study landscapes, considering different artists and learning ways to create our own. Our  RE lessons are based around sacred places and why people of faith worship there.

So as you can see we have a super busy and full term ahead!   

Key dates


10th September  Parents Meet and Greet. 

23rd September  - Individual Photographs


1st October- Parents Phonics meeting- How do we teach your children to read.






We have a huge focus on developing a love of reading for our children and so we we expose the children to a huge range of high quality books, hoping that we can find that one book that inspires the children to love reading.  We have some amazing texts and Miss Beecher has some wonderful favourites to share with the children.

All of the children  take part in the Read Write Inc phonics programme, teaching children to read sounds, and blend them to read words.  

As well as this we will read for pleasure in our story time, use stories to inspire and stimulate our writing and delve deeper into books, stories, characters and plots with out Talk through Stories learning also.

We will also read lots of other story books during our class story and Talk Through Stories too. Some of which are below.

Learning at home

Year 1 is a time to develop reading as much as possible.     Links below can help with home learning. Books are given out once a week for readers to practice their fluency.   Children are sent home with codes linking to videos where they can practise and learn sounds too.

Phonics Resources | St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Warndon

 Autumn 1 MTP.pdfDownload
 Long term planning.pdfDownload
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