Welcome to Class 5
The teacher in Class 5 is Miss Eyre and she is supported by Mrs Walton each day.
Key Information
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday - trainers are needed for both sessions as well as some additional warm clothing incase we are outside (weather permitting).
Our PE kit should follow the school policy which is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts.
Meet and greet - Friday 6th September at
Individual photographs - Monday 23rd
McMillan coffee morning - Thursday 27th
This half term we are reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. This book follows Michael and his parents on a trip of a lifetime around the world. they give up their jobs, pack their belongings onto the 'Peggy Sue' and off they set. Sounds like a fairy tale doesn't it... but then Michael falls over board and ends up being washed up on an island with only one other inhabitant - Kensuke!
We are also focussing on reading more at home. Each day our children will take home their yellow reading record and a book so they can record any reading that takes place outside of school. We are aiming to read at least 4 times per week!
Remember to follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter) to see what we have been up to!
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Autumn 1 in Class 5
Welcome back! This half term we have lots of exciting topics planned and can't wait to get started. Your children will begin to be more independent in their learning and build on their knowledge from previous year groups.
In maths, the children will begin recapping on their place value knowledge before moving on to adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying using the formal methods taught previously.
In science we are learning about Earth and space. By the end of this unit, children will be able to recall the planets in the solar system, the moon cycle, how day and night happens and much more! Not only will we be focussing on this in science, we have some lovely art and writing units planned based on this topic.
As mentioned previously, in writing we will be looking at several units based on our science topic: Earth and space. Our first unit is a narrative on life on mars, we can't wait to see what the children come up with!
Our PSHE lessons will begin looking at relationships, working collaboratively as well as when we should compromise and negotiate with our peers. These lessons are extremely important as they relate back to everyday life. Linking towards this, in computing we will begin looking at online safety. It is important our children are aware how to keep themselves and others safe when networking on the internet.
In PE we will be looking at hockey skills and invasion games. The skills previously learnt in other year groups will be built on and more challenge will be introduced. As mentioned previously, these will take place Mondays (AM) and Wednesdays (PM).
Our history topic this half term is the Ancient Greeks. We will be looking at how our lives today have been influenced by some things the Ancient Greeks did! Again we have some exciting artwork planned based on the Ancient Greeks, including writing in the Greek alphabet and looking at designs on Ancient Greek pottery.
On Thursdays we will be learning to play the ukulele in our music lessons. This will run every Thursday afternoon with the Rotherham Music Service.
Home learning
Optional homework packs will be given at the start of each half term. Children can choose which activities they would like to complete and return their packs before the half-term ends.
Homework sheet example:
Additional websites that can be accessed at home:
TT Rockstars - www.ttrockstars.com
BBC Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zhgppg8
Hit The Button - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button